Coffee with Me

Solving Life’s Problems….In the Shower September 1, 2008

Filed under: Random — Melissa @ 10:58 am

With all the racket that goes on around me everyday, I don’t have much time for just thinking. I do my best thinking in the shower. It’s quiet, the water is running, everything in there is routine, so my mind is just free to … think. And it’s very random. All the time.

Just today I had barely gotten in when I started thinking about how my husband would come in and interrupt my thinking. And sure enough..there he was. Now wasn’t it a good thing I hadn’t started thinking of anything REALLY important???

After he left, I then started thinking about my blog. What is my purpose here? Should I only focus on one area? I do want to post more about life in the military and living on base and just general issues focused on being a military spouse. But otherwise, I like being random. Cooking, homeschooling, my children, random thoughts. I like it.

That led me to thinking about some of the blogs I read. Political, homeschooling, religious…some have very defined terms as to what they blog about. But most are like mine. Random. And I like them.

A lot of the blogs I read are from friends and family. I love these the most. Little insights into others lives.

And then there are the blogs that I might read for a while but grow tired of. The first few posts were great, but eventually, I wonder who this person is and why am I reading her blog???

And then there are those that I just can’t stop reading. They’re not my friends. They’re not my family. There isn’t a sole reason I read their blogs…except that I like them. Here are a few of them:

The Pioneer Woman
Smitten Kitchen
She Does Hair
Mommy Life

Share with me some of your favorites!

Answer to a reader’s question: Amy, the first time I made the cold brew, I only got one glass out of it. The second time I stirred it more, and got two glasses out of it. Remember that it’s really, really strong and it’s not a full mug of coffee. The glass I showed you had a LOT of creamer in it plus full of ice, and then I added the coffee. Also, I got some beans this time and am going to grind my own to have a coarser ground.


3 Responses to “Solving Life’s Problems….In the Shower”

  1. Jeanne Says:

    Random…that’s me! And I love it when you pop by!

  2. Robin Hight Says:

    I completely relate to what you are thinking. I like to be random because then I am not blogging about the same things everytime. Our kids crack us up and so we are quick to share it here. You’ve shared your cooking and that is WONDERFUL for some of us that are bored with what we cook up in the kitchen and my family will sure be grateful for new hints! 😉 Then there are days I reflect on things and feel spiritual and I want to share that here too. Military life is a roller coaster of all sort of fun, exciting, sometimes heartbreaking and sometimes very frustrating. Your blogs are grrrrr8!

  3. IsDihara Says:

    I think there is a lot to be said for folks whose blogs include random thoughts as well as family moments and little insights into daily life.

    I like reading your blog BECAUSE you like random. Not many people “get” us random types and I’m a firm believer in sticking together. Ha, ha!

    I’ve forwarded your blog link along to another friend who is a military wife. The “they told two friends” approach to blogging works for me. It’s how I found your blog.

    I hope you keep blogging about anything and everything. I know I’ll be checking in on you from time to time. 😀

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