Coffee with Me

Share a Blog January 5, 2010

Filed under: Share a Blog — Melissa @ 3:07 pm

I haven’t posted on my blog in a long time.  I think I just ran out of things to say! But recently I realized I need to update the information on the 29 Palms area.   There are so many things about this area that I haven’t shared.  I’m reading more books. I’d love to share about those.  I don’t take enough pictures anymore.  When I was sharing more things about the kids, I took more pictures.

Yesterday I was looking through my blogroll, and those blogs led me to more blogs, which led me to more blogs.  I have a lot of blogs in my bloglines feed now!  There are some really great ones out there!!!

And that inspired me to ask you what blogs you read.  Or to challenge you to click on a blog in your blogroll and choose a new blog to check out.  Then post about that blog.

And after you post about the blog, come back here and share the link below.  Not your blog link, but the link to the post about the new blog you’ve discovered.

A new blog I’m enjoying is Econobusters. Molly is currently doing 31 Days of Organizing and she has some fabulous tips to get your new year off to a great start!! I’ve enjoyed reading her past posts on ways to save money and to streamline what you use. Check it out!

Now, go discover a blog! Post about it and be to sure to link to my “Share a Blog” post and then give us your link below!!


2 Responses to “Share a Blog”

  1. Tawna Jacobs Says:

    I blogged about Putting God First Place ( Check it out! 🙂

  2. OK — I played. Thanks to TAWNA who shared this on facebook. I’ve become a lousy blogger, and reader. I sometimes go to my google reader… but facebook is my lazy thing to do most times.

    WHY? I love reading blogs. Thanks for the boost Melissa.

    Always one of my favorites is Antique Mommy. She’s GREAT and consistently a good blogger.

    I’m going to notify myself of comments, hopeing to find some great blogs to follow.

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